Sunday, November 1, 2009


Don't remember if I've put these results up and...I'm too lazy to see if I have. So! Here's the results for the poll: "What are your favorite fitness/fashion magazines?" (multiple selections allowed)

Glamour ---------------- 35%
Cosmopolitan ------------ 32%
Other -------------------- 32%
Allure -------------------- 20%
Shape -------------------- 17%
Women's/Men's Health -- 14%
Don't read magazines ---- 14%
Self ---------------------- 11%
Yoga Journal -------------- 8%
Health -------------------- 0%

Speaking for myself - Glamour is the top fashion magazine, and Women's Health and Shape are rocking good fitness magazines. The best part about Shape is that in every issue there's at least one "weight loss story" or a "weight loss diary" complete with before/after pictures. And yes, I personally think Health is a sucky magazine.

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